

DotA2 1x1 SEA #4


Communication with players are processed through a chat on the site. Communcation with judges goes through Discord server: https://discord.gg/zBWrten
Format: Solo Mid 1 vs 1, Single Elimination.

Games go as best of 1 series(one win required), finals - Bo3.

Spectating and coaching is prohibited.

After the game is finished, players are required to save a screenshot to upload the game's results into the tournament's room.

Hero: Shadow Fiend

Participation Rules:
1. Tournament is coordinated online (as your usual online tournament), so the сs are required to be present at the site while the tournament takes place;

after the start of the tournament, game rooms will be opened on the site, to which players would be automatically routed. In those room you can add to friend list your opponent in Steam and conclude the start for the match.

2. Being absent from the game room for more then 10 minures without a proper excuse is taken as a defeat;

3. As the match is concluded, players set the results: Win or Loss;

4. Communcation with judges goes through Discord server: https://discord.gg/zBWrten

5. Pausing the game - 5 min tops;

6. If player absent - is taken as a defeat;

7. If the match was not conlcuded in 45 minutes, both participants are counted as defeated.

Punishments for participant:
1. Disrespectful attitude to either judges or opponents - technical defeat in one of Bo3 games, or a warning, on judge's discretion;

2. Being late to the game without a proper excuse for more than 10 minutes is counted as defeat. "Went out for the smoke" or "I was eating" - is not a proper excuse. ONLY THE JUDGE can assign a defeat;

Lobby Creation:
1. If players fail to come to terms with lobby creation, then a Dota 2 lobby created the player higher in tournament grid, or by agreement.

2. Tournament room's number makes for most convinient password for the lobby.

3. Server: any by player agreement.

Match Rules:
1. Win Conditions: tower destruction, two kills, or opponent's forfeit;

2. Match Duration: 10 minutes, In case of even scores winner is deducted by the creep count(Allied+Hostile). With eneven score, the one with a kill wins;
Match Duration: 10 minutes, In case of 0-0(1-1) score, winner is deducted by the creep count(Allied+Hostile). In case of 1:0 score, as the 10 minutes expire, the one with a kill wins

3. Jungle farming is prohibited;

4. Courier upgrade is automatic;

5. Wards are allowed;

6. Going on lanes, other than mid - prohibited;

7. Creep block is allowed;

8. Runes are prohibited;

9. Shrines are prohibited;

10. Bottle Abuse is prohibited;

11. Purchase and use of Infused Raindrop and Smoke of Deceit are prohibited.

Finals: Bo3.